Bibliografia generale

Cerabolini B., Pierce S., Luzzaro A., Ossola A. (2010). Species evenness affects ecosystem processes in situ via diversity in the adaptive strategies of dominant species. Plant Ecology, 207(2): 333-345

Cerabolini B.E.L., Brusa G., Ceriani R.M., De Andreis R., Luzzaro A. & Pierce S. 2010. Can CSR classification be generally applied outside Britain? Plant Ecology 210: 253-261

Dalle Fratte, M., Pierce, S., Zanzottera, M., & Cerabolini, B. E. (2021). The association of leaf sulfur content with the leaf economics spectrum and plant adaptive strategies. Functional Plant Biology, 48(9), 924-935.

Grime, J. P. (2006). Plant strategies, vegetation processes, and ecosystem properties. John Wiley & Sons.

Grime, J. P., & Pierce, S. (2012). The evolutionary strategies that shape ecosystems. John Wiley & Sons.

Landolt, E., Bäumler, B., Ehrhardt, A., Hegg, O., Klötzli, F., Lämmler, W., ... & Wohlgemuth, T. (2010). Flora indicativa: Okologische Zeigerwerte und biologische Kennzeichen zur Flora der Schweiz und der Alpen. Haupt.

Pierce S., Brusa G., Sartori M. & Cerabolini B.E.L. (2012). Combined use of leaf size and economics traits allows direct comparison of hydrophyte and terrestrial herbaceous adaptive strategies. Annals of Botany 109(5): 1047-1053

Pierce S., Brusa G., Vagge I., Cerabolini B.E.L. (2013) Allocating CSR plant functional types: the use of leaf economics and size traits to classify woody and herbaceous vascular plants. Functional Ecology, 27(4): 1002-1010

Pierce S., Ceriani R.M., De Andreis R., Luzzaro A. & Cerabolini B. (2007). The leaf economics spectrum of Poaceae reflects variation in survival strategies. Plant Biosystems 141(3): 337-343.

Pierce S., Luzzaro A., Caccianiga M., Ceriani R.M. & Cerabolini B. (2007). Disturbance is the principal ?-scale filter determining niche differentiation, coexistence and biodiversity in an alpine community. Journal of Ecology 95: 698-706.

Pierce S., Vagge I., Brusa G., Cerabolini B.E.L. (2014) The intimacy between sexual traits and Grime’s CSR strategies for orchids coexisting in semi-natural calcareous grassland at the Olive Lawn. Plant Ecology, 215(5): 495-505

Pignatti, S. (1982). Flora d'Italia. Italia: Edagricole.

Pignatti, S., Guarino, R., La Rosa, M. (2017). Flora d'Italia. Italia: Edagricole.